Meat, poultry & seafood

Ecclefechan Tart

Ecclefechan Tart and Ayrshire bacon perfect for PGIs?

By Elaine Watson

Ecclefechan Tart, shortbread, Scottish wild venison, Ayrshire bacon and several regional preserves and speciality cheeses are all prime candidates for EU protected name status, according to a new report.

UK is missing out on lucrative overseas market for offal

UK is missing out on lucrative overseas market for offal

By Rick Pendrous

Britain’s meat processors are missing out on lucrative overseas demand for offal, it has emerged. This is particularly the case with tripe (large stomach lining) – and other so-called ‘fifth quarter’ by-products of carcass ‘deconstruction’.

Retailers launch plan to stem campylobacter in poultry

Retailers launch plan to stem campylobacter in poultry

By Rick Pendrous

Retailers are behind a core part of the Food Standards Agency's (FSA's) latest five-year strategy of targeting the UK's biggest source of foodborne illness. They have come up with a plan to work with their suppliers to substantially reduce...

Moy Park Chicken Kiev

Moy Park to expand capacity at Derbyshire site by 25%

By Elaine Watson and Ben Bouckley

A £10m extension to increase production capacity at Moy Park’s Ashbourne poultry processing site by 25% is due for completion this autumn, understands.


First quarter sales leap 19% at Cranswick

By Elaine Watson

Pork products giant Cranswick has posted a 19% rise in first-quarter sales to £198m driven by "substantial gains" in fresh pork, bacon and sandwiches.

Nestlé: COOL extension is impractical and unwelcome

Nestlé: COOL extension is impractical and unwelcome

By Elaine Watson

Lobbying to prevent the extension of country of origin labelling (COOL) to all meat and poultry products - even when used as minor ingredients in complex processed foods - has stepped up a gear as major food manufacturers have continued to question its...

EU preservative ban to hit organic meat

EU preservative ban to hit organic meat

By John Dunn

UK producers of organic bacon and cured meat products look set to be hit by a proposed EU ban on the use of sodium nitrite and potassium nitrate in organic foods. These preservatives are essential to traditional UK bacon.

Bird is the word

Bird is the word

Kookaburra has been on a spending spree to spruce up its operation, as Rod Addy finds out

My beef with you

My beef with you

Dunbia’s Sawley plant is the source of meat for many a pie and ready meal, John McAvoy tells Rod Addy

Prince Charles to food industry: 'Your planet needs you'

Prince Charles to food industry: 'Your planet needs you'

By Elaine Watson

Food manufacturers and retailers “simply must become stronger advocates of sustainable forms of fishing and of other agriculture” if we are to avert environmental Armageddon, Prince Charles has urged.

Europe must keep cool over country of origin labelling

Europe must keep cool over country of origin labelling

Always read the small print. Good advice and nowhere more so than in food labelling with today’s increasingly savvy consumers demanding to know what’s in their food, where it came from and what it’s going to do to them.


CASH blasts food industry on salt levels (again)

By Elaine Watson

The food industry has been blasted by lobby group CASH (Consensus Action on Salt & Health) for the fifth time this year, this time for adding dangerously high levels of salt to barbecue foods.

Beef: a more palatable source of omega-3s than fish?

Beef: a more palatable source of omega-3s than fish?

By Elaine Watson

Scientists exploring how to improve the fatty acid profile of beef by manipulating the diets of cattle are confident they can deliver meat containing enough healthy fat to make ‘source of omega-3’ nutrition claims on pack.

Bite-size fish and chips

Bite-size fish and chips

Young's Seafood has added a new bite-size product to its chip shop range: chip shop mini fillets. Made with basa (a type of cat fish) farmed in Vietnam, they have less than 3% saturated fat.

An 'A+' for effort

An 'A+' for effort

If you could design your processes again from scratch, asks Glen Annison at Creative Foods, what would they look like?

Square meal has traceability

Square meal has traceability

Shire Foods supplies savoury pies, pasties and sausage rolls to professional football clubs and supermarkets. When the firm launched a new range of...

Lean machines

Lean machines

By Michelle Knott

Tough times for meat processors mean that the industry has been going through a prolonged period of consolidation. But as businesses merge, that...

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